Now available the ECVET Curriculum on supporting Apprenticeship programmes to implement the SDGs in SMEs

The fist project result has been finalised and designed as an ECVET Curriculum on supporting Apprenticeship programmes to implement the SDGs in SMEs addressed to identify and boost the profile of VET educators and in-company trainers. The development of this curriculum has implied the arrangement of a Theoretical Framework through the analysis of European Qualification Framework (EQF) as well as the National Qualification Frameworks (NQF). Partners have identified a competence framework adapted to target users and listed the learning units required for the ECVET Curriculum with tailored learning outcomes, in terms of knowledge, skills, and responsibility and autonomy.

The production of these elements within an educational programme allows the consortium to produce an assessment using an accommodated framework based on the ECVET methodology. The innovation on this project result is reflected on the introduction of the learning outcomes approach in addition to the use of the EQF and ECVET methodologies and tools.

The expected impact of the ECVET Curriculum is to provide VET educators and in-company trainers, at national and European level, with a facilitating tool that enhances the transfer and recognition of Learning Outcomes in implementing the SDGs in SMEs through Apprenticeship
programmes. This also could be used as a starting point for the future process of recognition, validation, and certification of this profile. Moreover, this ECVET Curriculum will set the basis to carry out the design and development of the Online Platform of Open Learning

The ECVET Curriculum matches the assigned EQF level based on the complexity, range and expected level of learning achieved.

The beta version of this Educational Programme will be displayed by INQS on the
Settlement Meeting that will take place in Lisbon in September 2022. In order to strength the transferability potential of the Educational Programme as an enhancing mobility and a
European qualification recognition instrument, the whole consortium is
taking part in the development, sharing, promotion and exploitation process.

The ECVET Curriculum has been developed as an Open Educational Resource in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Turkish and will be soon available on the project website under the “What we do” section.